Further exchange with Users
Based on the continuous exchange with the associated partners, concrete use cases were formulated. These are currently being worked on and demonstrate the applicability of the resilience data space.
Presentation at the KAHR Synthesis Conference
The KAHR project (Climate Adaptation Flood Resilience, www.hochwasser-kahr.de) accompanies the reconstruction process and makes a scientific contribution to flood risk management after the flood disaster in July 2021. The results from HERAKLION were presented to a broad audience as part of a synthesis conference.
Workshops with Associated Partners
Face-to-face workshops were held with the associated partners in July to August. As part of the events, exchanges took place with the Westerwaldkreis, the districts of Altenkirchen, Neuwied, Lörrach, Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, the cities of Freiburg and Nuremberg as well as the Freiburg regional council. The current project results were discussed with regard to their practical suitability and comments were collected from the user’s perspective.
Workshops with Municipal Partners
In June and July 2024, we held workshops in Nuremberg, Altenkirchen, Heidelberg and Freiburg – that is, on site with our municipal partners. We used these opportunities to present first project results and to then discuss them with regard to their practical applicability.
BMBF Innovation Forum 2024
On May 7 and 8, 2024, the BMBF Innovation Forum »Civil Security« 2024 was held in Berlin; this year’s theme was »Together for a secure life in a resilient society«. The event was dedicated entirely to civil security research, in order to stress how important this topic is — especially in today’s world.
A variety of talks, sessions and project presentations highlighted many interesting aspects, concepts and approaches; this allowed for in-depth exchanges with various stakeholders from science, industry and emergency services. In addition, we were granted the opportunity to showcase a current prototype of our resilience dashboard; thus we were able to collect valuable feedback from other researchers and, moreover, potential end users.
Workshop before the BMBF Innovation Forum 2024
On May 6, 2024, the day before the actual BMBF Innovation Forum, we conducted our own workshop together with several other BMBF-funded projects at the Fraunhofer Forum in Berlin. We were delighted to have not only various project contributors attend, but also a range of municipal decision makers and civil protectors; thus, we could gather valuable feedback on the current project statuses, as well as ideas for further developments.
Exchange with the District of Lörrach
On April 19, 2024, we had a targeted exchange with officials from the departments of climate and civil protection of the district of Lörrach. While presenting current results, we discussed their practical applicability and relevance. Furthermore, we collected input on which quantities to present in which way in order to provide actually practical decision support.
Milestone Meeting
On February 20, 2024, all project contributors came together for a comprehensive review of the goals already achieved. In particular, we focused on the integration of the various components as well as the consolidation and visualization of our preliminary results on a dashboard. The latter is intended to provide end users with data-based support for crisis prevention and mitigation decisions.
Here, a comparison of several social vulnerability and resilience indices for all of Germany is being demonstrated. The top left allows for topic selection, the bottom left provides a tabular overview of the administrative units (here: districts for all of Germany), the top right contains a diagram for simple comparison, the bottom right shows a histogram of the values, and in the middle, we have a map with the individual districts colored according to their index value.
Milestone Meeting
On February 20, 2024, all project contributors came together for a comprehensive review of the goals already achieved. In particular, we focused on the integration of the various components as well as the consolidation and visualization of our preliminary results on a dashboard. The latter is intended to provide end users with data-based support for crisis prevention and mitigation decisions.
Here, a comparison of several social vulnerability and resilience indices for all of Germany is being demonstrated. The top left allows for topic selection, the bottom left provides a tabular overview of the administrative units (here: districts for all of Germany), the top right contains a diagram for simple comparison, the bottom right shows a histogram of the values, and in the middle, we have a map with the individual districts colored according to their index value.
Workshop on Municipal Resilience
On January 17, 2024, an online workshop allowed us to network with other research projects investigating municipal resilience. In particular, these were Resiliente Regionen (part of the Region gestalten program) and Resilienz + Zentralität, both funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR). In an active exchange, we managed to identify various synergies.
ResKriVer Consortial Meeting
On December 13, 2023, we participated in one of the consortial meetings of the ResKriVer project, hosted by the Fraunhofer-Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML) in Dortmund.
There, we could gain valuable insights ino the various project components, developed amongst others by Fraunhofer Fokus and IML, the Charité, the Berlin Fire Department, the Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes, and Condat. This allowed for a multitude of interesting exchanges.
Data User Workshop
On September 28, 2023, we had another workshop with our prospective end users where we presented them with first intermediate results of our data anylses. In addition, we gave an overview over what data evaluations may be performed at later stages. In this context, we were glad to be able to collect feedback which allows us to optimally adapt our project goals to the requirements of our target group.
Data Provider Workshop
On September 19, 2023, we hosted a workshop with our data providers in order to discuss the availability and accessibility of the data we need; this allowed us to collect valuable information. Furthermore, we were able to identify potential candidates for a test roll-out of the data connectors we develop.
As part of the pop-up DATEN:RAUM:FREIBURG, the city of Freiburg presented various digital projects it is currently working on. On August 30, 2023, we attended — and contributed to — a dedicated technical exchange concerning the data platform architecture.
AKRIMA Congress
The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence organized the AKRIMA Congress in Lübeck, which allowed us to have further exchanges with related research projects.
Digitalization meets Flood Warning
In Essen, the Competence Center for Digital Water Management (Kompetenzzentrum Digitale Wasserwirtschaft) hosted the workshop Digitalization meets Flood Warning (Digitalisierung meets Überflutungswarnung). We participated to exchange ideas with other projects.
Project Workshop with End Users
After the first year of the project, we reconvened with users from the associated municipalities by means of an online workshop hosted by us. There, we presented the first interim results and at the same time collected important feedback from the users.
Among other things, they assessed, from their point of view, the practical relevance of resilience analyses before, during and after a crisis. Below the results of an interactive survey conducted with members of the disaster management team:
Future Security 2023
The Future Security 2023 in Berlin, hosted by Fraunhofer VVS, gave us the opportunity to gain insights into other research projects in the field of crisis management. This allowed us to collect interesting impulses as well as to present the progress in our project HERAKLION.
Demand Carrier Workshops
In June and July 2022, a number of workshops were conducted with local users. In a first step, we took stock of various data sources; in addition, we had an exchange with the user target group in order to determine which requirements should be prioritized from their point of view.
Kick Off Meeting
On April 4, 2022, the kick-off meeting of the HERAKLION project took place. Participants included the consortium as well as representatives of the involved municipalities. In addition to the people pictured, State Secretary Judith Pirscher and Freiburg’s Mayor Martin Horn were participating virtually, amongst others.